
Scrutiny and assurance framework

To support the delivery of the partnership's vision, KSCMP have developed an approach made up of two essential components. The first focuses on scrutiny and challenge taking place through the work of the sub-groups, the multi-agency partnership groups and the partnership team. The second, through the commission of an Independent Scrutineer, to provide an objective overview of the effectiveness of our arrangements to safeguarding children.

View scrutiny and assurance framework (PDF, 3.8 MB)

Practice improvement framework

To support the commissioning and dissemination of learning from Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, the Executive Board have endorsed a Practice Improvement Framework.

The framework is currently under review and will be available 2023.

Learning and development framework

To demonstrate how learning will be identified and implemented in practice within a multi-agency context to improve outcomes for children and young people in Kent, a Learning and Development Framework has been developed.

The framework is currently under review and will be available 2023.