Independent scrutineer

The role of the Independent Scrutineer is to carry out the independent scrutiny function as set out in Working Together to Safeguarding Children 2018. The Independent Scrutineer will provide the critical challenge and appraisal of the multi-agency safeguarding partnership arrangements in relation to children and young people.

The role forms part of these arrangements and focuses on providing assurance in judging the effectiveness of the arrangements to protect children and support a culture and environment conducive to robust scrutiny and constructive challenge.

The KSCMP Independent Scrutineer is Sam Haspell. Sam spent over 31 years in policing, specialising in safeguarding and investigations. Sam was an accredited child abuse and adult abuse investigator. She undertook various roles relating  to safeguarding from managing the public protection policy and compliance team to being the strategic force lead for Domestic Abuse, rape, stalking, central safeguarding and child death.

Since leaving policing Sam has qualified as a coach as well as taking up a new role as the Chief Executive of a Domestic Abuse charity. Sam is also a trustee for a local charity and a local school.