Safeguarding in Education

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024

On the 24 May 2024, the Department of Education (DfE) published the updated 'Keeping children safe in education' (KCSIE) guidance for 2024. KCSIE is statutory guidance from the DfE and all schools and colleges must have regard to it when carrying out their duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. We encourage Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) and school/college leaders in Kent to read KCSIE 2024 in full to ensure they understand the safeguarding requirements from 1 September 2024.

KCSIE 2024: Online Safety Updates

Annex F of KCSIE contains a summary of all substantive changes but to support Designated Safeguarding Leads and Senior Leadership Teams (SLT), Kent County Councils Education Safeguarding Service have created a summary document which specifically explores the online safety requirements in more depth. The document highlights any new or updated content and signposts education settings to national and local resources available to support them in implementing effective online safety practice.

View online safety summary document (PDF, 680.3 KB)

Child-on-Child Sexual Abuse Audit Tool

This free toolkit has been designed to help schools and colleges assess strengths that can be built upon, as well as weaknesses that should be addressed, to tackle child-on-child sexual abuse and inappropriate sexual behaviours.

This is version 2 of the toolkit. A review of the tool  was completed in Spring  2023, and it was agreed by the KSCMP Education Safeguarding subgroup to keep the tool in the same format following positive feedback that was received from those using the original tool. The tool has been updated to reflect Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023, links have been updated and a few new resources added. The tool will be updated as necessary to reflect any changes to local and national policy, guidance and legislation.

View child-on-child sexual abuse audit tool (DOCX, 70.6 KB)

Support and Guidance for Kent Schools after the Suspected Suicide of a Pupil

We have produced some guidance to support Kent schools after the suspected suicide of a pupil. The guidance is designed to help staff in schools by providing information and ideas of things to consider at such a difficult time. It also aims to provide guidance and other information about support agencies / professionals who can support in the immediate aftermath of a student suspected suicide.

View guidance for Kent schools after the suspected suicide of a pupil