
District Council Children's Safeguarding Lead Group

The purpose of this group is to represent the district councils as relevant agencies in the KSCMP arrangements and provide assurance that local safeguarding children issues are raised and addressed at a local level. The group provides a link between the activity of the District Council Safeguarding Leads and the KSCMP, as well as sharing examples of good practice.

View District Council Children's Safeguarding Lead Group terms of reference (DOCX, 69.8 KB)

Education Safeguarding Group

The purpose of this group is to facilitate communication across the education sector, on their statutory safeguarding duties, and compliance with KSCMP policies and procedures. The group is pivotal in identifying strategic and practice issues from within school, colleges, Early Year settings, and other educational establishments and making recommendations to the KSCMP.

View Education Safeguarding Group terms of reference

Learning Improvement Group

The purpose of the group is to support the Partnership through oversight and implementation of practice review recommendations and learning. The group provides a space for discussion of multi-agency training needs and development. It develops methods for measuring the impact of recommendations and learning over time, thus promoting safeguarding and practitioners across the Partnership.

View Learning Improvement Group terms of reference (PDF, 304.0 KB)

Policy and Procedures Group

This is a joint Kent Safeguarding Multi-Agency Partnership (KSCMP) and Medway Safeguarding Children Partnership (MSCP)  group, and is responsible for developing local multi-agency policies, procedures and guidance for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and ensuring they are compliant with national requirements. The group keeps such policies, procedures, and guidance under review, ensuring their timely revision and undertakes the supporting Equality Impact Assessments (EqIAs).

View Policy and Procedures Group terms of reference (DOCX, 448.3 KB)

Scrutiny and Challenge Group

The primary purpose of the Scrutiny and Challenge Group is to assure the Safeguarding Partners of the efficacy of the safeguarding system and facilitate robust scrutiny and constructive challenge across the partnership. The objectives of the group is to ensure the functions of the Partnership are effectively discharged by the Safeguarding Partners and relevant agencies as required in the Working Together to Safeguarding Children 2018 guidance.

View Scrutiny and Challenge Group terms of reference (DOCX, 78.3 KB)